Decentralized organizations need a way for self-organization to happen. Individuals participate from all over the world, at different time schedules, with varying rates of commitment to the organization. There is no constant interaction between members, tracking the contributions of individuals is difficult. There is no visibility to work done. Who did what gets lost. Information stays in the hands of a few and doesn’t spread effectively. Without visibility, individual efforts don’t align with common goals. Action doesn’t count.
That's why we conceptualized the Action. They are the way in which we communicate with each other, the things we have done, the steps we have taken, the work we do.
As of mid November we're developing our application for littlefish Foundation to run on Actions. Until then, we are playing with the concept in our Discord channel, where we post the Actions we have taken in dedicated channels. This communicates to the rest of the community what we do.
If you decide to contribute, the final product of your work, and perhaps some intermediate steps will be an Action. Your contributions will live forever onchain.
We use all the technology available to us. We research them, compile resources with guides, and additional resources in this Vault for all to use.
We are currently working on compiling the [[littlefish Tools of Work]], it is an incomplete list of the tools we use to make work in the decentralized world simpler.
We run 2 week sprints to align the efforts of our community. littlefish sprints have three parts:
Start with a sprint planning meeting, usually held on Mondays.
We keep each other accountable by posting our progress in the sprint-standup
channel in Discord.
At the end of each sprint, we hold an Action(demo) day where we show what we worked on, then do a sprint review session.
We run these sprints on Dework: https://app.dework.xyz/littlefish-foundatio
You can find the exact dates for the sprints on our google calendar.
In littlefish Foundation, we run on the belief that each individual has the knowledge and capability to work in freedom, to decide for themselves the best course of action, and to listen to other stakeholders when making those decisions.
This means each individual is expected to self-manage. To identify opportunities in the organization where they can provide value, and to self-organize with respect to the community and organization.
Gitbook and the Vault are our collective knowledge base. They are the places where we pool our knowledge. Any research we do, guides we write can be found on our Gitbook and process we develop, and implement, should eventually find its way to the Vault.
We manage the Vault on github:
Actions are NFTs that hold within them the record of work.
littlefish perform real-world activities.
A group of friends cleaning litter on the beach.
A digital community collaborating towards social/environmental impact.
A DAO creating blockchain solutions for a use case.
A business announcing/developing/producing a new product.
A charity organizing a new campaign to build houses for those in need.
These activities are documented in whatever way the littlefish choose - video, image, recordings, tweets, Instagram, … Collected multimedia is then published as NFTs called Actions.
Welcome littlefish, we're glad you're interested in becoming an active part of our community. This document is your guide to all things littlefish Foundation, helping you get up to speed, and find the information you need to become a core member of our growing community.
If you find something that is not here, but you think should be, let us know in Discord so we can update this doc.
How We Do Things at littlefish Foundation
Oh wow you've made it all the way here. You really are interested aren't you? Great to hear, let's give you the grand tour. littlefish Foundation is made up of 5 groups:
The Forge - The builders of littlefish Foundation. Developers, designers, token engineers, the hard working grunts who make the coolest stuff on the planet.
Love House - The home of happy humans who love sharing stories, making everyone feel nice and fuzzy. Community builders, communicators, facilitators, content producers, promoters are all at home here.
Tech Help Collective - The world is confusing to the non-technical person. All this technology around us and nobody to help us understand it. No longer. The THC is here to help.
Organization Labs - It ain't easy being on the bleeding edge of organizations. How do we organize in this wild west is the business of OrgLabs. If you fashion yourself an organization designer, this is the place to be.
Dream Engine - Dreams are the beginning and end of all we build here. littlefish Foundation began with dreams and it shall only continue insofar as the littlefish who make it remain avid dreamers. This is the home of philosophers, visionaries, and oracles.
You can find these groups on Discord. Jump into those chats and meet your folk.
Woah, woah, woah, slow down there. This is a big rabbit hole you fell into. You need sometime to orient and adjust. Take your time.
Start with: Contributor Guideline
Oh wow, you've found us dear contributor. Welcome to a small pond of littlefish working together to impact the world. Things here may confuse you. That's OK, as long as you keep curious.
And you are a curious one aren't you? Finding this page among a sea of others. That's good. You will need your curiosity. littlefish Foundation is full of opportunity for those who look for it. This page will give you some guidance but you've got to grab it.
If you don't know much about littlefish, the first and best thing you can do is explore.
The information
channel on Discord has all the relevant links.
The Vault is the place of our proposals, and whitepaper.
Browse through the action
channel on Discord if you wanna get dazed and confused.
Ask us anything on Discord. We love questions.
Hop on one of our calls. All of them are available on our google calendar.
Ok, now that you feel like you've got a grasp of maybe 10% of what's going on, that's a good time to get involved :D
But then, you ask yourself, what can I do to help around?
Well, we have a special way of answering that question: Ikigai.
This is a Japanese philosophy meaning A Reason for Being. We use a specialized version of the philosophy that comes nowhere near capturing the entire beauty of it. But hey visualizing an entire philosophical concept is not easy ha? Ehem, back to the topic.
We want you, random person on the internet who is about to become our friend, to find your reason for being here. We want you to do
what you love
what you're good at
what the world needs/what we need
waht you can be paid for
The Roles of Fish Miro board will show you how: Link
To become an effective contributor, littlefish must learn the tools of work. Don't be afraid, we've got you covered with the Littlefish Tools of Work. Check it out for information about the tools we use to become awesomefish. If you feel some information is missing, drop by Discord and ask in the ask-tech
channel. Tech Help Collective is there to help.
Here's a list of the tools we use at littlefish Foundation. As of July 20th 2023, this is a comprehensive list of all tools to guide littlefish contributors.
If you're in need of guidance on any of these or other tools we use at littlefish, make a request using this form: Link
Discord is the heart of littlefish foundation. We have our discussions on Discord. We track actions done by the community here on Discord. If you want to reach out to other members, Discord is the best way.
Improving Discord: A Guide for DAOs and DAO members
Guide - Managing Discord Overwhelm
Guide - littlefish Discord Notifications
All littlefish documentation is done in markdown format. We publish our content mainly on our Gitbook, we also have publications on Obsidian.
How To - Writing for the Vault
We have a detailed cheat sheet in the Document Guide document. You can also use this to learn and advance your markdown. It's easy once you get a grip, we promise.
We use Hackmd to collaborate on Markdown documents before publishing on Gitbook or Obsidian. Think of it as Google Doc for MD files.
You can also directly write on Gitbook. It is very easy and intuitive but we suggest using Hackmd because you can store all the docs you wrote on your own account. Also during the feedback process, comments on Hackmd will be between the writer and the reviewer so it will be private.
We run all our community tasks through Dework. All new tasks are announced on Discord in order to lower the chance of missing new tasks. Members can apply for any task on Dework.
We run core team tasks through Linear.
We use Notion to keep our internal documentations about proposals tracking and app development.
We use github to collaborate our effort on our projects like app development.
We use variety of tools to manage our publication. Gitbook and Obsidian for our knowledge sharing, Sobol for our organizations structure and Typefully for our social media accounts.
Once you get a good grip on Markdown and want to publish your work, we use Gitbook. Using Gitbook is very simple. It works very similar to Github. All you need to do is click edit to write new articles or edit articles. This edit will create a new branch and until you merge it, you can play with it.
Organizing docs on Gitbook is also very simple. Clinking and dragging documents on the sidebar will do the trick.
We use Sobol to visualize our groups and teams for newcomers to find their place easily.
We use Obsidian to mainly post monthly reports. We have migrated our documentation to Gitbook recently because it is much easier for new people to use but for now we still use Obsidian.
These docs will help you out.
How To Use Obsidian at the Littlefish Foundation
Obsidian-Github Integration in Windows
We use Typefully to manage our social media accounts.
We use Otter AI in our meetings. It allows us to have written records of our meetings.
Bot of these can integrate with your google calendar and make scheduling much easier. Group Meetings: How to Use lettucemeet One-on-ones: calendly
We use Miro for collaboration, brainstorming and planning.
We use AI Art for different part of our work like presentations and tweets. Here are the tools we use:
We use Tangocrypto and our own Cardano Node to test our projects and apps on Cardano blockchain.
Tangocrypto is a Cardano API service.
Here is a guide to help you set up your own Cardano Node: Cardano Node Setup
Here is a guide document explaining how to use Cardano-CLI: Cardano-CLI Guide
If you're bored of Google Meets and Zoom Calls, use SpatialChat for more interactive video calls: Link
It's free up to 5 users.
Fireflies is a transcribing tool that works with various video-conferencing apps, dialers, and audio files.
Discourse is a forum platform to have communications and discussions efficiently.
There are four levels of quality for the DAO Tools and Ocean Tech documents and a document has to be at least level 3 in order to be published on the vault. We plan to pay a bonus for Level 4 documents.
Unacceptable Document
Document Needs Improvement
Good Document
Exceptional Document
Any Document that is considered Level 1 will not receive feedback and the writer will be notified that the document has to be at least Level 2 to be accepted into the feedback process. The reason is that the guideline is clear enough to avoid Level 1 mistakes.
Any document that is Level 3 will not receive feedback unless the writer demands it and try to reach Level 4. The writer can ask for feedback after the document is graded via Discord.
There are several different quality criteria for the documents. These criteria are divided into Structure and Context.
Structure of the document is very important and they have a significant effect on the quality level of the document. A document should:
use the organized heading system. The reader should be able to intuitively find the information they want in a document without difficulties.
Have the proper tags.
Links have to hidden. For example, we do not want to see . We want to see .
The syntax of markdown should be used generously. Ordered lists, unordered lists, highlighted text,etc.
The document must explain the researched tool in detail. After reading the document, the reader should have enough information about how the tool works, in what situations the tool is beneficial, what are the pros and cons of the tool.
For some tools, there might be the need for a "How to Use" part. This part is important for wallet documents or Best Practices documents but for other documents, the writer has the authority to decide including this part.
Some tools might have unfamiliar concepts. Those concepts has to be explained briefly in sub-headings in the document. If that concept is defined in another document, you can also link to that document.(Linking to other documents is a bonus, we do not require you to read all the previous documents)
The reader should get the idea of what the document is going to be about when they read just the instruction.
The list of quality thresholds that will limit the documents quality level to a certain level. Any of the below will determine the documents quality level no matter the other aspects of the document.
Wrong Link Format: ==Level 1==
Wrong Image Format: ==Level 1==
Writing the entire document with AI tools ==Level 1==
Using AI generated text without verifying them ==Level 2==
Messy Headings Usage: ==Level 2==(The writer is suggested not to use our specific template. It is there to give an idea.)
Missing Tags: ==Level 1==
Missing External Links: ==Level 1==
Unclear Concepts/Lack of Explanation: ==Level 2==
Lack of Detail: ==Level 1== (Writer will be informed)
Lack of Using Markdown Syntax: ==Level 2==
Difficult to Understand(Complicated tools will not need this): ==Level 2==
Insufficient Research: ==Level 2==
Incomplete Document: ==Level 1==
Improper publication(All the docs has to published on dework, publishing on Obsidian or Discord will not be accepted): ==Level 1==
Bonus points will determine if the document can be eligible to be ==level 4==. If there is any negative points about the document, the document will be limited to that point until it is fixed even if the document has the bonus points. It is not yet clear if one of the below will make the document ==Level 4== or couple of them will. We will have a more concrete answer to this question in the future.
Exceptional usage of markdown syntax.
Usage of some HTML syntax to make the document look even better.
References to other vault documents about detailed explanations of different concepts.
The research about the tool is exceptionally detailed.
A lot of potential new DAO tool suggestions.
The level 1 documents will just receive a simple message that stating the document is unacceptable. Only if there is Lack of Detail, the simple message will state that. The four day feedback process will start even if the document is not eligible to receive feedback, so the writer should try to avoid level 1 to save time.
Note: These criteria will be improved and get more detailed as more and more reports get reviewed. Until further notification, some of the criteria might change or ignored when irrelevant.
We strongly recommend writing your documents in markdown format. This is a very generic document guide, you do not have to follow this guide if you know what to do. If you are not sure about how to write your document you can use this guide. Using ai tools like chatGPT can be useful but every information generated by ai has to be verified and we expect writers to learn and understand the topic they write about. During reviews, documents will be checked for ai generated content.
Example of a good document: . You do not have to write a document that utilizes this many tools of markdown but we do not protest if you do.
Another example of a good document: . This document does not entirely fit this template and it does not have to but it is also a good document because it is clear and easy to read. Also unfamiliar concepts are explained clearly.
What we want in a document is usage of markdown syntax and clear headers to make the document eye-catching and easy to read. We want usage of organized headings and sub-headings in the document. A simple example is Introduction, Body and Conclusion.
In the Introduction part, you should explain what the tool is and what it is used for briefly.
In the Body part, you should dive deep into the questions of the previous part and also write a detailed explanation on how a DAO can benefit if they use this tool.
In the Conclusion part, please summarize the main points and restate the key points.
There is also an Additional Information part, on that part we want you to put the relevant links about the tool and the links of new tool if you encountered any other potential DAO tools that you think might be useful.
You do not have to use the headlines explained above but the content of the document should be similar.
Note: The images you upload should be a folder named by the tool you are writing added into the images folder.
Examples of multiple line code in different languages, as you can see different syntax highlighting according to the language.