Here's a list of the tools we use at littlefish Foundation. As of September 12th 2022, this is not a comprehensive list of all tools but an MVP document to guide littlefish contributors.
If you're in need of guidance on any of these or other tools we use at littlefish, make a request using this form:
[[Improving Discord]] [[Guide - Managing Discord Overwhelm]] [[Guide - littlefish Discord Notifications]]
We run all our community tasks through Dework.
[[How To - Writing for the Vault]] Use this to learn and advance your markdown. It's easy once you get a grip, we promise. We use this tool to collaborate on Markdown documents before publishing on Obsidian. Think of it as Google Doc for MD files.
[[Zoom Best Practices]]
Once you get a good grip on Markdown and want to jump into Obsidian, these docs will help you out.
[[How To Use Obsidian at the Littlefish Foundation]] [[Obsidian-Github Integration in Windows]]
Bot of these can integrate with your google calendar and make scheduling much easier. Group Meetings: [[How to Use lettucemeet]] One-on-ones:
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If you're bored of Google Meets and Zoom Calls, use this for more interactive video calls:
It's free up to 5 users.