
Author: Emir Olgun

Date: 19 April 2023

Token distribution is an important task for DAOs. It can be a time consuming task to distribute to all members safely. TosiDrop is a token distribution platform developed for Cardano and Ergo blockchains. They offer a service for communities to distribute tokens to their members in a secure manner. They also have their own tokens called cTOSI and eTOSI. cTOSI runs on Cardano and eTOSI runs on Ergo. The

What Does It Do?

On Cardano, TosiDrop offers two ways to distribute tokens. Airdrop and Vending Machine style. On Ergo blockchain, only airdropping method is available.

TosiDrop platform also has stake pools. Users can delegate to support them and pay no fee on claims.

  • Airdrop: TosiDrop offers a service of airdropping tokens to the community members through uploading a list of addresses via a CSV file.

  • Vending Machine: On this method, members of a community sends ADA to an address and receives tokens in return.


There are two billon tokens. One million of them is cTOSI on Cardano and one million is eTOSI on Ergo. These tokens are used for governance and revenue sharing. 10% percent of the tokens are allocated to the core team and 30% are being distributed to NETA/cNETA community. 60% are being distributed to the public.

Revenue Model

TosiDrop charges communities a fee for using TosiDrop services. These fees generate revenue in the form of ADA and ERG and will be enjoyed by holders of the TOSI tokens.

How to Use TosiDrop as a DAO

Currently the TosiDrop platform does not support adding your project to their platform. Only way to use it to distribute tokens as a DAO is to contact the developers of TosiDrop. They will have a different method in the future.


Token distribution is a very important thing for DAOs. They can generate funds for their projects via these tokens. TosiDrop is a platform to make this task easy and safe. Token distribution is one of the services needed by DAOs and there are platforms on Cardano that aim to solve more of those problems. I believe those tools can be much more helpful for DAOs.

Author: Emir Olgun

Date: 19 April 2023

Token distribution is an important task for DAOs. It can be a time consuming task to distribute to all members safely. TosiDrop is a token distribution platform developed for Cardano and Ergo blockchains. They offer a service for communities to distribute tokens to their members in a secure manner. They also have their own tokens called cTOSI and eTOSI. cTOSI runs on Cardano and eTOSI runs on Ergo. The

What Does It Do?

On Cardano, TosiDrop offers two ways to distribute tokens. Airdrop and Vending Machine style. On Ergo blockchain, only airdropping method is available.TosiDrop platform also has stake pools. Users can delegate to support them and pay no fee on claims.

  • Airdrop: TosiDrop offers a service of airdropping tokens to the community members through uploading a list of addresses via a CSV file.

  • Vending Machine: On this method, members of a community sends ADA to an address and receives tokens in return.


There are two billon tokens. One million of them is cTOSI on Cardano and one million is eTOSI on Ergo. These tokens are used for governance and revenue sharing. 10% percent of the tokens are allocated to the core team and 30% are being distributed to NETA/cNETA community. 60% are being distributed to the public.

Revenue Model

TosiDrop charges communities a fee for using TosiDrop services. These fees generate revenue in the form of ADA and ERG and will be enjoyed by holders of the TOSI tokens.

How to Use TosiDrop as a DAO

Currently the TosiDrop platform does not support adding your project to their platform. Only way to use it to distribute tokens as a DAO is to contact the developers of TosiDrop. They will have a different method in the future.


Token distribution is a very important thing for DAOs. They can generate funds for their projects via these tokens. TosiDrop is a platform to make this task easy and safe. Token distribution is one of the services needed by DAOs and there are platforms on Cardano that aim to solve more of those problems. I believe those tools can be much more helpful for DAOs.

Last updated