Milestone 3 Test Review

NFT Validation and User Experience Test Cases

This document outlines test cases and results for secure NFT validation and user experience under different scenarios, focusing on the signup and login processes.

1. Signup Process (signupUser function)

1.1 Wallet-based Signup

Test CaseDescriptionExpected ResultActual Result

Valid wallet signature

Signup with valid stake address, signature, key, and nonce

Successful signup with wallet details

Successful signup with wallet details

Invalid wallet signature

Signup with invalid signature

Error: Invalid wallet authentication

Error: Invalid wallet authentication

Valid asset ownership

Signup with valid asset ownership

Successful signup with asset details

Successful signup with asset details

Invalid asset ownership

Signup with asset not owned by the wallet

Error: Asset cannot be verified on-chain

Error: Asset cannot be verified on-chain

Strict policy validation (Pass)

Signup with asset matching strict auth policy

Successful signup with verified policy

Successful signup with verified policy

Strict policy validation (Fail)

Signup with asset not matching strict auth policy

Error: Invalid asset policy

Error: Invalid asset policy

1.2 Email-based Signup

Test CaseDescriptionExpected ResultActual Result

Valid email and password

Signup with valid email format and password

Successful signup with email and password hash

Successful signup with email and password hash

Invalid email format

Signup with invalid email format

Error: Invalid email format

Error: Invalid email format

1.3 Error Handling

Test CaseDescriptionExpected ResultActual Result

Invalid signup inputs

Signup with neither wallet nor email/password

Error: Invalid signup inputs

Error: Invalid signup inputs

2. Login Process (loginUser function)

2.1 Wallet-based Login

Test CaseDescriptionExpected ResultActual Result

Valid wallet signature

Login with valid stake address, signature, key, and nonce

Successful login

Successful login

Invalid wallet signature

Login with invalid signature

Error: Invalid wallet authentication

Error: Invalid wallet authentication

Mismatched wallet address

Login with wallet address not matching user data

Error: Invalid network or wallet address

Error: Invalid network or wallet address

Valid asset ownership

Login with valid asset ownership

Successful login

Successful login

Invalid asset ownership

Login with asset not owned by the wallet

Error: Asset cannot be verified on-chain

Error: Asset cannot be verified on-chain

2.2 Email-based Login

Test CaseDescriptionExpected ResultActual Result

Valid email and password

Login with correct email and password

Successful login

Successful login

Invalid email

Login with email not matching user data

Error: Invalid email or email format

Error: Invalid email or email format

Invalid password

Login with incorrect password

Error: Invalid password

Error: Invalid password

2.3 Error Handling

Test CaseDescriptionExpected ResultActual Result

Invalid login inputs

Login with neither wallet nor email/password

Error: Invalid login inputs

Error: Invalid login inputs

3. Utility Functions

3.1 verifyWalletAddress

Test CaseDescriptionExpected ResultActual Result

Valid signature

Verify valid wallet signature

Return true

Return true

Invalid signature

Verify invalid wallet signature

Return false

Return false

3.2 verifyAssetOwnership

Test CaseDescriptionExpected ResultActual Result

Valid ownership

Verify asset owned by the wallet

Return true

Return true

Invalid ownership

Verify asset not owned by the wallet

Return false

Return false

3.3 validateEmail

Test CaseDescriptionExpected ResultActual Result

Valid email format

Validate correct email format

Return true

Return true

Invalid email format

Validate incorrect email format

Return false

Return false

3.4 verifyPassword

Test CaseDescriptionExpected ResultActual Result

Correct password

Verify correct password against hash

Return true

Return true

Incorrect password

Verify incorrect password against hash

Return false

Return false

4. Middleware Tests

4.1 Authentication and Authorization

Test CaseDescriptionExpected ResultActual Result

No auth token

Request without an auth token

Redirect to login page

Redirect to login page

Invalid auth token

Request with an invalid auth token

Redirect to login page

Redirect to login page

Valid auth token

Request with a valid auth token

Allow access to protected routes

Allow access to protected routes

4.2 Policy Validation

Test CaseDescriptionExpected ResultActual Result

Admin access

User with admin policy accessing admin routes

Allow access

Allow access

Non-admin access

User without admin policy accessing admin routes

Redirect to home page

Redirect to home page

Asset-specific access

User with correct policy accessing asset routes

Allow access

Allow access

Asset-specific denial

User without correct policy accessing asset routes

Redirect to home page

Redirect to home page

Test CaseDescriptionExpected ResultActual Result

Cookie support check

First visit without cookie support check

Set cookie_support_check cookie

Set cookie_support_check cookie

Cookies required

Visit without cookie support

Redirect to cookies-required page

Redirect to cookies-required page

5. Server-Side Rendering Tests

5.1 Asset1 Page

Test CaseDescriptionExpected ResultActual Result

No auth token

Attempt to access page without auth token

Redirect to login page

Redirect to login page

Invalid policy

User with invalid policy for Asset1

Redirect to home page

Redirect to home page

Valid access

User with valid policy for Asset1

Render TokenGatedDemoPage

Render TokenGatedDemoPage

API failure

Failure in fetching policies

Throw error

Throw error

5.2 Asset2 Page

Test CaseDescriptionExpected ResultActual Result

No auth token

Attempt to access page without auth token

Redirect to login page

Redirect to login page

Invalid policy

User with invalid policy for Asset2

Redirect to home page

Redirect to home page

Valid access

User with valid policy for Asset2

Render TokenGatedDemoPage

Render TokenGatedDemoPage

API failure

Failure in fetching policies

Throw error

Throw error

5.3 Settings Page

Test CaseDescriptionExpected ResultActual Result

No auth token

Attempt to access settings without auth token

Redirect to login page

Redirect to login page

Non-admin access

Non-admin user attempting to access settings

Redirect to home page

Redirect to home page

Admin access

Admin user accessing settings

Render SettingsPage

Render SettingsPage

API failure

Failure in fetching policies

Throw error

Throw error

6. Client-Side Component Tests

6.1 TokenGatedDemoPage

Test CaseDescriptionExpected ResultActual Result

Render check

Component renders without crashing

Component renders successfully

Component renders successfully

Content verification

Correct title and subtitle displayed

Correct content rendered

Correct content rendered

Feature cards

Correct number and content of feature cards

Two feature cards with correct content

Two feature cards with correct content


"Back to Home" link present and functional

Link present with correct href

Link present with correct href


Correct CSS classes applied

Classes applied as expected

Classes applied as expected


The test results demonstrate that our application successfully implements secure NFT validation across different scenarios for both signup and login processes. The utility functions correctly handle wallet address verification, asset ownership verification, email validation, and password verification.

Key findings:

  1. Wallet-based authentication properly verifies signatures and asset ownership.

  2. Email-based authentication correctly validates email formats and passwords.

  3. The system appropriately handles error cases, providing clear error messages for invalid inputs.

  4. Asset policy validation works as expected, allowing for strict policy enforcement when required.

  5. The demo app checks for cookies before any authorization action and gives the user relevant information.

  6. All APIs work as expected and return relevant errors.

Areas for potential improvement or additional testing:

  1. Edge case scenarios for policy validation with multiple assets

  2. Performance testing for asset ownership verification, especially with large numbers of assets

  3. Security testing for potential attack vectors (e.g., replay attacks, signature spoofing)

Overall, the current implementation provides a secure and user-friendly experience for NFT-gated authentication and access control.

Last updated