How we operate at littlefish Foundation

Welcome littlefish, we're glad you're interested in becoming an active part of our community. This document is your guide to all things littlefish Foundation, helping you get up to speed, and find the information you need to become a core member of our growing community.

If you find something that is not here, but you think should be, let us know in Discord so we can update this doc.

How we do things at littlefish Foundation?

How We Do Things at littlefish Foundation

How do I find my people?

Oh wow you've made it all the way here. You really are interested aren't you? Great to hear, let's give you the grand tour. littlefish Foundation is made up of 5 groups:

The Forge - The builders of littlefish Foundation. Developers, designers, token engineers, the hard working grunts who make the coolest stuff on the planet.

Love House - The home of happy humans who love sharing stories, making everyone feel nice and fuzzy. Community builders, communicators, facilitators, content producers, promoters are all at home here.

Tech Help Collective - The world is confusing to the non-technical person. All this technology around us and nobody to help us understand it. No longer. The THC is here to help.

Organization Labs - It ain't easy being on the bleeding edge of organizations. How do we organize in this wild west is the business of OrgLabs. If you fashion yourself an organization designer, this is the place to be.

Dream Engine - Dreams are the beginning and end of all we build here. littlefish Foundation began with dreams and it shall only continue insofar as the littlefish who make it remain avid dreamers. This is the home of philosophers, visionaries, and oracles.

You can find these groups on Discord. Jump into those chats and meet your folk.

I hear you saying: "This is awesome, how can I take Action?"

Woah, woah, woah, slow down there. This is a big rabbit hole you fell into. You need sometime to orient and adjust. Take your time.

Start with: Contributor Guideline

Last updated