Guide - littlefish Discord Notifications
Notification Settings for Littlefish
These notification settings are recommended for anyone that wants to get involved with Littlefish Foundation in a meaningful capacity. The suggested settings notify you of the opportunities, activities, and discussions of your choosing at Littlefish Foundation.
Words you need to be familiar with:
General settings: Settings that apply to all servers that you are a part of
Server settings: Settings that apply to all channels in a specific server
Channel settings: Settings that apply to a specific channel
@mention: When someone mentions you in a specific channel
@everyone: When someone mentions everyone in a specific server or channel.
---begin tutorial---
Step 1: Setting up your general notifications. These notifications apply to all the servers that you are a part of.
In this step, we are enabling the following:
Desktop Notifications
Unread Message Badges
All notification sounds
Notification emails
Below are the steps involved:
Open General Notification settings
Enable all or some of these notifications (based on personal preference)
Step 2: This step is divided into three sub-steps. a. Setting up server notifications b. Maximizing notifications for important channels c. Minimizing notifications for less frequented channels & servers
a. Setting up server notifications:
Open server notification through either of the methods and choose @mention (you get notified when someone mentions you or @everyone)
b. Maximizing notifications for important channels:
Following are the suggested channels in the Littlefish discord (additions and deletions can be made based on personal preference)
Ask-anything (in case you can help)
Following are the steps involved:
Open server notifications (Image 8, & 9)
Add or delete channels and allow notifications for all messages in these channels.
c. Minimizing notifications for less frequented channels & servers:
Right-click on servers that you don’t frequent → Notifications → Only @mentions → Supress @everyone and @here
Set up for iPhone:
General Settings:
2. Maximizing Littlefish server and channel notifications
Minimizing notifications for less frequent servers. Choose the servers and follow these steps.
Last updated