A Guide to Using the Multi-Server Chat Bot


In the vast ecosystem of Discord, fostering meaningful communication between different servers remains a challenge. Enter the Multi-Server Chat Bot—a tool designed to seamlessly link channels across servers, paving the way for enhanced collaboration.

At its core, the Multi-Server Chat Bot's function is straightforward: it links specific channels from different servers, allowing messages sent in one channel to appear in its counterparts on other servers. But the implications of this simple function are profound. By using the Multi-Server Chat Bot, communities can:

  • Run Co-Projects: By bridging communication gaps, communities can collaborate on joint initiatives, pooling resources and expertise.

  • Grow Bonds Between Communities: Regular interactions foster understanding, and strengthen the ties between communities.

  • Simplicity in Setup: No need for complex configurations. The bot is designed for a hassle-free setup experience.

Setting Up Multi Server Chat

Here's a step-by-step guide:

1- Invite the Bot: You can invite the bot to your server from this link. You can also access the bots support Discord server from this link.

2- Initiate the Setup: Once the bot is part of your server, use the ,,h command. This will bring up the setup screen. Simply click on 'Setup' to proceed.

3- Create the Multi Chat Category: After this bot prompts you to screen shown below. In here you have to press 'Create Multi Chat Category'.

4- Channel Creation: A new category named 'Multichat' will appear on your server. Under this category, you can create specific channels. Remember to choose unique names to avoid overlaps with commonly used names like 'general' or 'gaming'.

5- Connect Other Servers: To link channels across servers, replicate the above steps in any other server you wish to connect. Ensure that the channel names are consistent to establish the connection. When you use the same channel name, those channels will be connected to each other from each server.

Best Practices

  • Unique Channel Naming: To ensure seamless communication, opt for specific channel names that clearly represent the purpose or theme of the channel.

  • Foster Healthy Communication: Encourage members to engage positively and constructively, ensuring that the linked channels remain conducive for collaboration.

Links Bot's main page on top.gg

Multi-server chat Support community

Last updated