How We Do Things at littlefish Foundation

littlefish Foundation runs on Action

Decentralized organizations need a way for self-organization to happen. Individuals participate from all over the world, at different time schedules, with varying rates of commitment to the organization. There is no constant interaction between members, tracking the contributions of individuals is difficult. There is no visibility to work done. Who did what gets lost. Information stays in the hands of a few and doesn’t spread effectively. Without visibility, individual efforts don’t align with common goals. Action doesn’t count.

That's why we conceptualized the Action. They are the way in which we communicate with each other, the things we have done, the steps we have taken, the work we do.

As of mid November we're developing our application for littlefish Foundation to run on Actions. Until then, we are playing with the concept in our Discord channel, where we post the Actions we have taken in dedicated channels. This communicates to the rest of the community what we do.

If you decide to contribute, the final product of your work, and perhaps some intermediate steps will be an Action. Your contributions will live forever onchain.

Our tools of work

We use all the technology available to us. We research them, compile resources with guides, and additional resources in this Vault for all to use.

We are currently working on compiling the [[littlefish Tools of Work]], it is an incomplete list of the tools we use to make work in the decentralized world simpler.


We run 2 week sprints to align the efforts of our community. littlefish sprints have three parts:

  1. Start with a sprint planning meeting, usually held on Mondays.

  2. We keep each other accountable by posting our progress in the sprint-standup channel in Discord.

  3. At the end of each sprint, we hold an Action(demo) day where we show what we worked on, then do a sprint review session.

We run these sprints on Dework:

You can find the exact dates for the sprints on our google calendar.


In littlefish Foundation, we run on the belief that each individual has the knowledge and capability to work in freedom, to decide for themselves the best course of action, and to listen to other stakeholders when making those decisions.

This means each individual is expected to self-manage. To identify opportunities in the organization where they can provide value, and to self-organize with respect to the community and organization.

The Vault: littlefish's collective knowledge

Gitbook and the Vault are our collective knowledge base. They are the places where we pool our knowledge. Any research we do, guides we write can be found on our Gitbook and process we develop, and implement, should eventually find its way to the Vault.

We manage the Vault on github:

Last updated