littlefish Tools of Work

Here's a list of the tools we use at littlefish Foundation. As of July 20th 2023, this is a comprehensive list of all tools to guide littlefish contributors.

If you're in need of guidance on any of these or other tools we use at littlefish, make a request using this form: Link



Discord is the heart of littlefish foundation. We have our discussions on Discord. We track actions done by the community here on Discord. If you want to reach out to other members, Discord is the best way.

Improving Discord: A Guide for DAOs and DAO members

Guide - Managing Discord Overwhelm

Guide - littlefish Discord Notifications

Task Management


All littlefish documentation is done in markdown format. We publish our content mainly on our Gitbook, we also have publications on Obsidian.

Writing Guidance

How To - Writing for the Vault

Document Guide

Document Quality Levels

Cheat Sheet

We have a detailed cheat sheet in the Document Guide document. You can also use this to learn and advance your markdown. It's easy once you get a grip, we promise.

Collaborative Markdown with HackMD

We use Hackmd to collaborate on Markdown documents before publishing on Gitbook or Obsidian. Think of it as Google Doc for MD files.

You can also directly write on Gitbook. It is very easy and intuitive but we suggest using Hackmd because you can store all the docs you wrote on your own account. Also during the feedback process, comments on Hackmd will be between the writer and the reviewer so it will be private.


We run all our community tasks through Dework. All new tasks are announced on Discord in order to lower the chance of missing new tasks. Members can apply for any task on Dework.


We run core team tasks through Linear.



We use Notion to keep our internal documentations about proposals tracking and app development.



We use github to collaborate our effort on our projects like app development.


We use variety of tools to manage our publication. Gitbook and Obsidian for our knowledge sharing, Sobol for our organizations structure and Typefully for our social media accounts.


Once you get a good grip on Markdown and want to publish your work, we use Gitbook. Using Gitbook is very simple. It works very similar to Github. All you need to do is click edit to write new articles or edit articles. This edit will create a new branch and until you merge it, you can play with it.

Organizing docs on Gitbook is also very simple. Clinking and dragging documents on the sidebar will do the trick.


We use Sobol to visualize our groups and teams for newcomers to find their place easily.


We use Obsidian to mainly post monthly reports. We have migrated our documentation to Gitbook recently because it is much easier for new people to use but for now we still use Obsidian.

These docs will help you out.

How To Use Obsidian at the Littlefish Foundation

Obsidian-Github Integration in Windows


We use Typefully to manage our social media accounts.

Online Calls

Zoom Best Practices

Otter AI: Automated Scribe

We use Otter AI in our meetings. It allows us to have written records of our meetings.


Bot of these can integrate with your google calendar and make scheduling much easier. Group Meetings: How to Use lettucemeet One-on-ones: calendly


We use Miro for collaboration, brainstorming and planning.

Miro Tips and Tricks

AI Art

We use AI Art for different part of our work like presentations and tweets. Here are the tools we use:

Cardano Node

We use Tangocrypto and our own Cardano Node to test our projects and apps on Cardano blockchain.


Tangocrypto is a Cardano API service.

Cardano Node

Here is a guide to help you set up your own Cardano Node: Cardano Node Setup

Here is a guide document explaining how to use Cardano-CLI: Cardano-CLI Guide

Other Tools We Recommend


If you're bored of Google Meets and Zoom Calls, use SpatialChat for more interactive video calls: Link

It's free up to 5 users.


Fireflies is a transcribing tool that works with various video-conferencing apps, dialers, and audio files.


Discourse is a forum platform to have communications and discussions efficiently.


Last updated