Syncing Time Zone on Discord


Whenever there is an online meeting with people from all over the world, there is almost someone who is missing the meeting due to the confusion on meeting's time. You can find this problem almost every international community. This is problem for admins as well. Here in Littlefish we are using a Discord bot called Friend Time that is helping us to minimize this problem.

How Does It Work?

This bot is there whenever a time is mentioned in chat. When the bot sees a message with time it reacts to it with clock emoji. When you click that clock it sends you a message. For this process to work without an error the bot has to know about your time zone as well.

You can set your time zone very easily with simple commands. In Littlefish Discord channel we have created a dedicated channel for people to use the bot for setup. Here are the steps to set your time zone.

  • Send a message in your dedicated channel saying; /set me

  • The bot will prompt you a question, asking for your time zone. It will give you a link listing all the time zones. Select your time zone and send there as a message.

  • Then it will want you to confirm this selection. If it is correct just send message 'Yes' and you are all set.

Now let's say you have set your time zone as UTC+2 and the admin of the server created a meeting with a message 'Let's meet at 5pm UTC'. You will see clock emoji on that message and when you click on it, it will send you a message. There, it will tell you that meeting time is 7pm in your time zone.

Why Does DAO Need It?

  1. One major reason why DAOs need a bot like “Friend Time” is because it will automatically react with a clock emoji to any time mentioned in chat on Discord. When a user reacts to the message, he will be private messaged with the time converted to his own time zone.

  2. For example, let's say you work on a remote basis; you’re in Nigeria and you work with an organization in Turkey - If you're always waiting for someone to tell you what to do next, and eventually that person falls asleep while you're working, you'll never get anything done! Due to different time zones and schedules, It takes more effort to stay in sync.

Yes! DAOs need a bot like Friend time to help them harness the planning of meetings and events across time zones. It sounds so painful that you'd rather just never have meetings, but hey, don't do that either. This meeting and events are crucial; it's a medium where topics are discussed with the intent to bootstrap DAO communities.

Why Is It Important For DAOs?

  1. As decentralized autonomous organization expands across the continents, with constant change in time zones, a large communication gap instills; For some DAO contributors, their waking hour might be someone else nighttime. On the other hand, the difference in time zone might be a stumbling block for companies with speed and customer service as core values. This bot is important for DAOs because it helps them accomplish interdependent tasks without any hurdles.

  2. Lastly, check your workday before you start - it's important and make sure you're on the same page as everyone else. As a DAO, keeping time zone in mind will help your organization and prevent it from suffering from low work productivity.

Last updated