
Author: Emir Olgun

Date: 19 August 2023


In an era where remote work and decentralized operations have become the norm, the tools we use to communicate and collaborate play a pivotal role in determining our efficiency and effectiveness. One such tool that has gained our attention in is Loom. Designed to bridge the gap between face-to-face interactions and text-based communication, Loom offers a unique approach to sharing information and ideas. But what exactly is Loom, and how can DAOs leverage its capabilities?

What Does It Do?

Loom is a video messaging tool that allows users to capture and share videos of themselves, their screens, or a combination of both. Unlike traditional video conferencing tools where participants need to be present simultaneously, Loom records videos that can be watched anytime, anywhere. This asynchronous communication method ensures that messages can be conveyed clearly and personally, without the constraints of scheduling or time zones.

Key features of Loom include:

  • Instant Recording: With just a few clicks, users can start recording their video messages.

  • Easy Sharing: Once recorded, videos can be shared via a link, making it easy to embed them in emails, documents, or chat platforms.

  • Interactive Features: Viewers can respond to videos with comments or reactions, fostering two-way communication.

  • Security: Videos can be password protected, ensuring that only the intended recipients can view them.

How To Use Loom?

Loom can be used as a Chrome extension, Desktop App, iOS, and Android Apps. You can create a workspace and invite people to your workspace. Recording a video is very easy, it has very intuitive interface to guide you how to do it and how to edit your video.

Loom automatically creates transcripts of your videos and it is not bad. It got what I said almost correctly, the only mistake it did was, I said "page I'm browsing" and it understood "page unbrowsing". You can also edit your transcripts after you record your videos.

Sharing the Video

Loom allows sharing the video you recorded with a lot of options.

You can edit privacy settings of your video from who can access it to setting a password to access your video.

Your videos can be shared on various social platforms.

You can embed your video easily and choose how it will look and starting time of the video.


People can comment and react to your videos. The comments can be text or video. The reactions can be Emojis. All comments and reactions can be sent to a specific moment of a video.

How Can DAOs Use Loom?

DAOs, with their decentralized structures and global memberships, can particularly benefit from Loom's features:

  1. Onboarding New Members: Joining a DAO can be overwhelming. Using Loom, existing members can create personalized welcome videos, explaining the DAO's mission, governance structure, and ongoing projects. This personal touch can make newcomers feel more connected and informed.

  2. Proposal Explanations: Instead of relying solely on written proposals, DAO members can use Loom to explain their ideas visually and verbally, ensuring that nuances and motivations are clearly conveyed. Since Loom also creates a transcript, these videos will also have written copies.

  3. Project Updates: Team leads or project managers can share regular video updates about their progress, challenges, and needs. This can be especially useful for complex projects where visual demonstrations or walkthroughs are beneficial.

  4. Skill Sharing: DAOs often have members with diverse skill sets. Loom can be used to create mini-tutorials or workshops, allowing members to share their expertise with the community.

  5. Meeting Recaps: Not everyone can attend every DAO meeting due to time zone differences or other commitments. Loom can be used to record meeting summaries or key discussions, ensuring that all members, regardless of their attendance, stay informed.

  6. Cultural Building: In the absence of physical interactions, building a cohesive culture in a DAO can be challenging. Loom videos, with their personal touch, can help in sharing stories, celebrating achievements, and fostering a sense of community.


In the dynamic world of DAOs, where decentralization meets collaboration, tools like Loom are not just beneficial, they're transformative. Loom's ability to humanize digital communication, break down barriers of time and geography, and foster genuine connections makes it an invaluable asset for DAOs. As these organizations continue to evolve and shape the future of work and governance, it's tools like Loom that will ensure that the essence of community and collaboration remains at their core.

Last updated